RIIWHS204E Training Course - Work Safely at Heights
This course teaches participants about the risks associated with working at height and how to select and implement best control measures to ensure safety of all involved. RIIWHS204E​
About the course
While training on our premises you will have access to free Wi-Fi, sunscreen, a helmet, and gloves. We also have a filtered water bubbler onsite to keep you hydrated. There are also multiple local cafes in the area. Participants who undertake this course are taught by experienced training personnel - all former riggers who are well accustomed to working safely at heights in a wide variety of situations. Their first-hand experience and advice play a great role in preparing the candidates for risks associated with working at heights.
Who is eligible?
Participants need to be over 18 years of age, must meet the basic required language, literacy, and numeracy levels (LLN), be able to produce 100 points of ID with current NSW address, be able to obtain a USI and be able-bodied in order to move around and work with other staff and as per any additional training requirements.
This course requires face-to-face delivery at our premises and there are currently no alternatives offered.
Fees and Charges
This course attracts a fee of $250.00 per participant and is GST exempt. These fees cover all training, assessment, use of machinery/equipment, stationary (books, pens, use of calculator and resources), whistles (where applicable), and most importantly, the amazing experience.
A $50.00 deposit is required when making a booking as spaces are limited. Corporate rates and group pricing is also available.
Deposits are fully refundable if your booking is canceled within more than 7 days’ notice. If the booking is canceled within seven or less days’ notice, then only 50% of the booking fee is refundable.
Ask us about our Crane courses and more.